Day 5 Provision for the laborers and the work
Read Ezra 2:68-69; 6:22, 6-10; Haggai 1:2-11; 2:15-19
“Then the family heads… and the priests and Levites – everyone whose heart God has moved – prepared to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem. All their neighbors assisted them with articles of silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with valuable gifts, in addition to the freewill offerings.” Ezra 1:5, 6
Just as in Ezra’s time, God moved on some to go and do the work and some to finance the work, and we can see Him doing the same today. Some made donations to the work once they were on site and saw the need. That also has been the response of many who have participated in Vapor trips; it opened their eyes and hearts more to the desperate need.
The temple we are building is not made with bricks and stones like in the Old Testament. I Peter 2:5 says “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” When we invest in the laborers who are working in God’s harvest fields; building His temple, we also share in their reward (Matthew 10:42, Matthew 10: 10; Luke 10:7). Even if we cannot go, we can still share in our Savior’s joy in this way.
Even in a financial famine like America is experiencing right now, God can still cause us to reap a hundredfold if we are obedient to go where He leads. God did it for Isaac and He has not changed (Genesis 26). Since He already knows our needs, let us ask Him to move on the hearts of the people through whom He wants to provide for His work.
Prayer: Father, thank you for your incredible provision for Vapor and those working with them over this past year. Truly you have opened the windows of heaven and blessed them beyond what they could have asked or even thought just one year ago. Thank you for moving on laborers to join in the work and moving on others to provide for the work. Let those who have committed to this, be faithful according to their abilities to give whether it be time, prayer, work or finances. May it be credited to their treasure in heaven. May they truly be fragrant offerings and acceptable sacrifices that bring You great pleasure (Phil.4:17, 18). And above all else, may You be glorified in Jesus’ name, amen.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
FAST -Day 4
Day 4 Laborers for the harvest
Read Matthew 9:37; Luke 10:1-21; John 4:34-38
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew 9:38
Isaiah described Jesus as a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief but Luke 10:21 is one of the times Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit with great joy! It was a result of seeing His kingdom established in the hearts of people. He was so excited about them experiencing what He planned for them from the beginning: forgiveness, health, freedom from demonic oppression and life abundant. It so affected Him that He wanted everyone to have that kind of liberty. There was just one problem: not enough workers for the harvest. So He told His disciples to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers.
As Vapor grows and plants centers around the world, they will need workers. When Christian goes to Togoville, Togo, he will have to train and disciple a team who will then train and disciple coaches to reach the children in that area. Brett and Trisha Ralston will have to go through the same process in Ngong, Kenya. Let us pray together that God will hand pick and send the men and women He has chosen to share in this work.
Prayer: Father thank you that the harvest is ripe. Thank you for the joy that comes in laboring in that harvest with You. Please send the people you have chosen to work with Vapor. Please remove the obstacles to them coming and grant them the diligence to complete the work you created them to do. Give Christian, the Ralston’s and the leadership of the American Vapor team the wisdom and discernment they need as they recruit people into Your work. We ask that You please pour out your Holy Spirit and may the result be a joy to Your heart. Favor them with the governments and people in the areas they go. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Read Matthew 9:37; Luke 10:1-21; John 4:34-38
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew 9:38
Isaiah described Jesus as a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief but Luke 10:21 is one of the times Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit with great joy! It was a result of seeing His kingdom established in the hearts of people. He was so excited about them experiencing what He planned for them from the beginning: forgiveness, health, freedom from demonic oppression and life abundant. It so affected Him that He wanted everyone to have that kind of liberty. There was just one problem: not enough workers for the harvest. So He told His disciples to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers.
As Vapor grows and plants centers around the world, they will need workers. When Christian goes to Togoville, Togo, he will have to train and disciple a team who will then train and disciple coaches to reach the children in that area. Brett and Trisha Ralston will have to go through the same process in Ngong, Kenya. Let us pray together that God will hand pick and send the men and women He has chosen to share in this work.
Prayer: Father thank you that the harvest is ripe. Thank you for the joy that comes in laboring in that harvest with You. Please send the people you have chosen to work with Vapor. Please remove the obstacles to them coming and grant them the diligence to complete the work you created them to do. Give Christian, the Ralston’s and the leadership of the American Vapor team the wisdom and discernment they need as they recruit people into Your work. We ask that You please pour out your Holy Spirit and may the result be a joy to Your heart. Favor them with the governments and people in the areas they go. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
FAST-Day 3
Day 3 – Unity
Read Psalm 133; Ephesians 2:14-18; Romans 15:5
“May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved Me.” John 17:23
There is incredible power in unity (Genesis 11:6). It results in rapid progress if diligent work is added to it (Ezra 5:8). Such has been the case for Vapor over the last few years. As any organization grows, the opportunity for miscommunication, misunderstanding and disunity presents itself. This applies to businesses as well as Christian endeavors. It is vital that we as believers pray for the unity, good communication and understanding regarding those with whom we relate. We cannot relax in our determination when things are going smoothly but must be diligent. When issues do come up, we need the grace to bear with one another and forgive whatever grievances we have against each other (Colossians 3:12). We must love one another deeply from the heart (I Peter 1:22). Love binds us all together in perfect unity (Colossians 3:14).
Sometimes we can get stuck in a trap of unforgiveness, bitterness or anger with family members or coworkers, especially when we encounter someone who repeatedly offends us and there is little or no time to repair between blows. But God’s grace and peace do not run short in those situations that invite us to be molded more into our Savior’s likeness. If you are struggling in your relationship with someone Christian or non-Christian, the following information may be help for you.
Let us pray for righteous judgment, the ability to recognize things for what they are good or bad. When selecting deacons or elders, one must be able to make accurate assessment as to whether or not that person possesses the qualities God has prescribed to hold that position. When selecting a mate or even a close friend, we must be able to make righteous judgments as to whether or not they are someone with which you would be “equally yoked”.
Unrighteous judgment is very different. In unrighteous judgment, we go past seeing the wrong in others. We harden our heart toward that person and get in agreement with the Accuser (the devil) saying, “That is the way they are and that is how they will always be.” Our attitudes can actually hinder them from responding to the Lord’s work in their lives especially when we write them off or excluding them. We must recognize the unrighteous judgment for what it is and repent of it and release that person to become all God has planned for them to be. We may have to do that daily to really get our mind in the habit of seeing them differently. If we continue in unrighteous judgment, we give the enemy permission by our disobedience to bring that same judgment back on us through someone else. This is a part of the principle of reaping what you sow.
Steps to Forgiveness
1. Acknowledge the situation for what it is and release it all to God, taking it to the cross and allowing Him to be God in the situation. We must recognize that any area in our lives where we decide how we are going to handle it, we are making ourselves lord and any area we are lord over, Jesus is not.
2. Acknowledge your hurt and be able to be transparent that the situation or wrongful act wounded you.
3. Choose to release the person to God. You are not condoning what they did or minimizing it. Sample prayer: Even though what _______ did hurt me, I release them to the freedom of my forgiveness. Even if I don’t think they deserve it, I cancel their debt of the wrong done to me just as God in Christ forgave me. Holding on to offense allows the enemy to chain you to the past and it can control you and restrict your freedom in Christ even after that person has gone to their grave.
4. Choose to release the hurt, anger, resentment. Doctors have noted that these emotions can manifest in the body in the form of sickness (i.e. ulcers, arthritis etc.) This may be like a process similar to peeling an onion where there are layers that God wants to deal with so you can heal. Give Him permission to go into those deeper levels to bring you into complete healing physically and emotionally. Sometimes the hurt inside may be so heavy and so great, you just cannot lift it. At those times, we just need to ask God to come and take it away. Healing may happen instantly (a miracle) or it may be gradual (a process).
5. Pray for the person who hurt you. Our prayers release grace to that person. It opens the windows of heaven over them to release them to repent of their sin and see it for what it is. Jesus said, “Pray for those who misuse you.” As we pray for the ones who have hurt us, it drains the poison out of our heart.
Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you are our Peace and you have made us one in You. Thank you that when we ask anything in Your name and according to Your will, you grant us our request. We pray with confidence that you would bring unity, understanding, and good communications into our relationships and those that are involved with Vapor. We humbly ask that you grant us these things. Grant us tender hearts that forgive each other readily and that love one another deeply. As Vapor adds more laborers, grant them the wisdom and clarity to walk in the good works You prepared for them to do. Grant each diligence in the task you have called him or her to do. Father, take control of our thoughts, emotions, and the direction of our will. Grant us the mind and heart of Christ. Give us Your perspective on the people and situations we encounter as well as the grace to respond with Your heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Read Psalm 133; Ephesians 2:14-18; Romans 15:5
“May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved Me.” John 17:23
There is incredible power in unity (Genesis 11:6). It results in rapid progress if diligent work is added to it (Ezra 5:8). Such has been the case for Vapor over the last few years. As any organization grows, the opportunity for miscommunication, misunderstanding and disunity presents itself. This applies to businesses as well as Christian endeavors. It is vital that we as believers pray for the unity, good communication and understanding regarding those with whom we relate. We cannot relax in our determination when things are going smoothly but must be diligent. When issues do come up, we need the grace to bear with one another and forgive whatever grievances we have against each other (Colossians 3:12). We must love one another deeply from the heart (I Peter 1:22). Love binds us all together in perfect unity (Colossians 3:14).
Sometimes we can get stuck in a trap of unforgiveness, bitterness or anger with family members or coworkers, especially when we encounter someone who repeatedly offends us and there is little or no time to repair between blows. But God’s grace and peace do not run short in those situations that invite us to be molded more into our Savior’s likeness. If you are struggling in your relationship with someone Christian or non-Christian, the following information may be help for you.
Let us pray for righteous judgment, the ability to recognize things for what they are good or bad. When selecting deacons or elders, one must be able to make accurate assessment as to whether or not that person possesses the qualities God has prescribed to hold that position. When selecting a mate or even a close friend, we must be able to make righteous judgments as to whether or not they are someone with which you would be “equally yoked”.
Unrighteous judgment is very different. In unrighteous judgment, we go past seeing the wrong in others. We harden our heart toward that person and get in agreement with the Accuser (the devil) saying, “That is the way they are and that is how they will always be.” Our attitudes can actually hinder them from responding to the Lord’s work in their lives especially when we write them off or excluding them. We must recognize the unrighteous judgment for what it is and repent of it and release that person to become all God has planned for them to be. We may have to do that daily to really get our mind in the habit of seeing them differently. If we continue in unrighteous judgment, we give the enemy permission by our disobedience to bring that same judgment back on us through someone else. This is a part of the principle of reaping what you sow.
Steps to Forgiveness
1. Acknowledge the situation for what it is and release it all to God, taking it to the cross and allowing Him to be God in the situation. We must recognize that any area in our lives where we decide how we are going to handle it, we are making ourselves lord and any area we are lord over, Jesus is not.
2. Acknowledge your hurt and be able to be transparent that the situation or wrongful act wounded you.
3. Choose to release the person to God. You are not condoning what they did or minimizing it. Sample prayer: Even though what _______ did hurt me, I release them to the freedom of my forgiveness. Even if I don’t think they deserve it, I cancel their debt of the wrong done to me just as God in Christ forgave me. Holding on to offense allows the enemy to chain you to the past and it can control you and restrict your freedom in Christ even after that person has gone to their grave.
4. Choose to release the hurt, anger, resentment. Doctors have noted that these emotions can manifest in the body in the form of sickness (i.e. ulcers, arthritis etc.) This may be like a process similar to peeling an onion where there are layers that God wants to deal with so you can heal. Give Him permission to go into those deeper levels to bring you into complete healing physically and emotionally. Sometimes the hurt inside may be so heavy and so great, you just cannot lift it. At those times, we just need to ask God to come and take it away. Healing may happen instantly (a miracle) or it may be gradual (a process).
5. Pray for the person who hurt you. Our prayers release grace to that person. It opens the windows of heaven over them to release them to repent of their sin and see it for what it is. Jesus said, “Pray for those who misuse you.” As we pray for the ones who have hurt us, it drains the poison out of our heart.
Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you are our Peace and you have made us one in You. Thank you that when we ask anything in Your name and according to Your will, you grant us our request. We pray with confidence that you would bring unity, understanding, and good communications into our relationships and those that are involved with Vapor. We humbly ask that you grant us these things. Grant us tender hearts that forgive each other readily and that love one another deeply. As Vapor adds more laborers, grant them the wisdom and clarity to walk in the good works You prepared for them to do. Grant each diligence in the task you have called him or her to do. Father, take control of our thoughts, emotions, and the direction of our will. Grant us the mind and heart of Christ. Give us Your perspective on the people and situations we encounter as well as the grace to respond with Your heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Monday, January 5, 2009
FAST- Day 2
Day 2 – Deliver us from evil
Read Ezra 4:1-5; Nehemiah 2:19-20; Matt. 2:1-18
“My prayer is not that you would take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” John 17:15
Jesus is to be “a joy to all people” however; the enemy of our soul does not want us to live in that joy. It is the enemy’s pattern to overshadow a time of great hope and promised deliverance with dark oppression. When the wise men from the east came searching for our Savior, they asked direction from the wrong person: Herod. Although he gave pretense to wanting to seek the child as they did, his heart was black with a desire to annihilate anything that threatened his control. After realizing the wise men were not going to return, Herod reacted violently in a rage ordering the death of all Bethlehem’s baby boys. He caused devastating grief but he was unable to destroy the One who delivers us from grief. Are there Herods in your life seeking to rob you of the joy of your salvation?
When the people of God went to rebuild the temple, their enemies offered to help saying, “like you, we seek your God and have been sacrificing to him since the time of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us here.” And when Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of protection around Jerusalem, his enemies were disturbed that anyone would promote the welfare of God’s people (Nehemiah 2:10, 19). Because these pretenders did not get their way, they attacked God’s people with a vengeance mocking, ridiculing, and accusing them of rebellion. The enemies set out to discourage them and to make them afraid; they hired counselors to work against them and frustrate their plans. They were even successful in stopping the work by force for a time, BUT GOD can do all good things and his plans cannot be thwarted (Job 42:2). God’s people finished the work in spite of the opposition. It should come as no great surprise that the enemy of our soul uses the same tactics on us as we seek to participate in building the Kingdom of God in the lives of others and our own heart. What has he been using on you? Take heart, “a righteous man may have many trials but the Lord delivers him out of them all (Psalm 34:19).”
This past year, the enemy has sought to wear down Vapor’s laborers with one health issue after another. It has been a life and death struggle for some. Yet in Christ Jesus, we saw the victory over our enemy and Jesus has proved Himself faithful over and over again this past year snatching some from the jaws of death while escorting others to their eternal home.
Prayer: Thank you Father for transporting me out of darkness into the kingdom of your dear Son. We know You have the authority to overcome all the power of the enemy including sickness, anger, grief, fear, discouragement, frustration and the enemy’s counselors(Luke 10:18). We ask that You overcome these tools of the enemy and by Your power protect and advance Your Kingdom around the world and those associated with this Kingdom entity.
Father, grant me and those in Vapor Ministries keen judgment to see the enemy’s pretenders for what they are and to correctly recognize and discern those genuinely committed to You. Let us not be misled by mere appearances. I pray that you would encourage all of us through Your word and grant us endurance and the grace to persevere in trusting you through the enemy’s attacks. Let us overflow with Your Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit; fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in You (Romans 15:13) in Jesus’ name, amen!
Read Ezra 4:1-5; Nehemiah 2:19-20; Matt. 2:1-18
“My prayer is not that you would take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” John 17:15
Jesus is to be “a joy to all people” however; the enemy of our soul does not want us to live in that joy. It is the enemy’s pattern to overshadow a time of great hope and promised deliverance with dark oppression. When the wise men from the east came searching for our Savior, they asked direction from the wrong person: Herod. Although he gave pretense to wanting to seek the child as they did, his heart was black with a desire to annihilate anything that threatened his control. After realizing the wise men were not going to return, Herod reacted violently in a rage ordering the death of all Bethlehem’s baby boys. He caused devastating grief but he was unable to destroy the One who delivers us from grief. Are there Herods in your life seeking to rob you of the joy of your salvation?
When the people of God went to rebuild the temple, their enemies offered to help saying, “like you, we seek your God and have been sacrificing to him since the time of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us here.” And when Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of protection around Jerusalem, his enemies were disturbed that anyone would promote the welfare of God’s people (Nehemiah 2:10, 19). Because these pretenders did not get their way, they attacked God’s people with a vengeance mocking, ridiculing, and accusing them of rebellion. The enemies set out to discourage them and to make them afraid; they hired counselors to work against them and frustrate their plans. They were even successful in stopping the work by force for a time, BUT GOD can do all good things and his plans cannot be thwarted (Job 42:2). God’s people finished the work in spite of the opposition. It should come as no great surprise that the enemy of our soul uses the same tactics on us as we seek to participate in building the Kingdom of God in the lives of others and our own heart. What has he been using on you? Take heart, “a righteous man may have many trials but the Lord delivers him out of them all (Psalm 34:19).”
This past year, the enemy has sought to wear down Vapor’s laborers with one health issue after another. It has been a life and death struggle for some. Yet in Christ Jesus, we saw the victory over our enemy and Jesus has proved Himself faithful over and over again this past year snatching some from the jaws of death while escorting others to their eternal home.
Prayer: Thank you Father for transporting me out of darkness into the kingdom of your dear Son. We know You have the authority to overcome all the power of the enemy including sickness, anger, grief, fear, discouragement, frustration and the enemy’s counselors(Luke 10:18). We ask that You overcome these tools of the enemy and by Your power protect and advance Your Kingdom around the world and those associated with this Kingdom entity.
Father, grant me and those in Vapor Ministries keen judgment to see the enemy’s pretenders for what they are and to correctly recognize and discern those genuinely committed to You. Let us not be misled by mere appearances. I pray that you would encourage all of us through Your word and grant us endurance and the grace to persevere in trusting you through the enemy’s attacks. Let us overflow with Your Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit; fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in You (Romans 15:13) in Jesus’ name, amen!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
FAST - Day 1
Vapor Call to Fast
This daily prayer guide, scripture reading and devotional is a tool to assist use as we seek the Lord’s wisdom for the coming year and pray for Vapor Sports Ministries. None of the reading takes more than about 10 minutes. The daily prayer focus is repeated each of the following days. We also hope you will be able to join us; however you are able, in a time of fasting over the next few days.
It is good to begin each day by being still before the Lord and entering into worship so we can hear His voice more clearly as He speaks to us through the passages. I pray we will be blessed as we seek Him with all our heart.
Day 1 Consecration and Personal Repentance
Read Ezra 9:1-10:1; James 5: 1-5
“On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived. When the time of their purification … had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… and to offer a sacrifice …” Luke 2:21-24
We have just celebrated our Savior’s birth. According to Jewish tradition, right after the birth Joseph and Mary observed a time of purification and then circumcision for their baby. In like manner, I encourage us to enter a time of personal consecration so we might cut away the fleshly nature (symbolic of the sinful nature Galatians 5:19) and present ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1, 2). How sweet to call upon the Name of the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to purge us of uncleanness so we can be vessels emptied of self and fit for the Master’s use (II Tim. 2:21).
Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day; eight in the bible often symbolizes a time of new beginnings. We stand at the threshold of a new year. We need to circumcise our hearts before we can enter the new things God has prepared for us.
As Jesus was carried into the temple, Simeon was moved by the Spirit to go into the temple courts at that precise moment. Simeon had spent time with the Lord and was sensitive to His voice and His timing. Sensitivity to God’s timing and being obedient when moved by the Spirit is critical in the coming year. Anna too, recognized her Savior because she had spent time in the Lord’s presence. She too came up to Jesus at the exact moment when Simeon declared who Jesus was and prophesied about His future. Anna told all who were looking for a Redeemer about Him.
Both of these saints are examples to us of how their intimacy with God prepared them to recognize God’s promise fulfilled then it came. No one else in that temple saw the baby as the Redeemer He was until they announced it. No one else could see His future but the ones who had sat at God’s feet. This is the key to seeing what the Holy Spirit has prepared for us and receiving the ability to see Jesus for who He is when we encounter ‘the least of these’ (Matt. 25). “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless He is born again” (John 3:3). Neither can we see without His rulership in our hearts.
As we quiet ourselves before the Lord, let us ask the following questions and allow the Holy Spirit to quicken the answers to our hearts. They are not meant to condemn but rather to guide us through a process of releasing to Him that are things that are hindering us.
What are the things in my life God wants to cut away so I can enter into a deeper intimacy with Him?
Are there areas in my life where I have resisted His control?
How have I conformed to the culture around me instead of being transformed into His likeness?
Have I been guilty of living in luxury, selfishly wasting the resources He has given me on my own desires?
Where have I been self indulgent and/or self absorbed?
Have I been guilty of hoarding out of fear or self preservation instead of entrusting myself wholly to Him?
Have I ignored the cries of the harvesters who labor in the Lord’s work or have I been faithful to supply their needs?
What sacrifices is our Lord asking me to make?
What new beginning is right around the corner waiting for me if I take the steps He is asking?
Is there ruin around me that Lord would have me begin to sow love into and declare restoration over in the power of the Holy Spirit? (Isaiah 58:8 and 61)?
Are there breaches in the protective walls of prayer where I should be standing in the gap?
Who are the ‘living stones’ around me God would want added to His temple?
Prayer: Thank you Father that you have given us a firm place in your sanctuary. Thank you that you give light to our eyes and relief from our bondage to the things of this world. Thank you that you do not abandon us. Thank you for the kindness you show us. Thank you for the new life you have provided that we may share in your salvation; participate in repairing the ruins and rebuilding your living temple within our hearts. Lord, my Sanctifier, reveal to me my sin, cleanse me of all unrighteousness and fill me afresh with Your Spirit. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right Spirit within me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
This daily prayer guide, scripture reading and devotional is a tool to assist use as we seek the Lord’s wisdom for the coming year and pray for Vapor Sports Ministries. None of the reading takes more than about 10 minutes. The daily prayer focus is repeated each of the following days. We also hope you will be able to join us; however you are able, in a time of fasting over the next few days.
It is good to begin each day by being still before the Lord and entering into worship so we can hear His voice more clearly as He speaks to us through the passages. I pray we will be blessed as we seek Him with all our heart.
Day 1 Consecration and Personal Repentance
Read Ezra 9:1-10:1; James 5: 1-5
“On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived. When the time of their purification … had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… and to offer a sacrifice …” Luke 2:21-24
We have just celebrated our Savior’s birth. According to Jewish tradition, right after the birth Joseph and Mary observed a time of purification and then circumcision for their baby. In like manner, I encourage us to enter a time of personal consecration so we might cut away the fleshly nature (symbolic of the sinful nature Galatians 5:19) and present ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1, 2). How sweet to call upon the Name of the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to purge us of uncleanness so we can be vessels emptied of self and fit for the Master’s use (II Tim. 2:21).
Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day; eight in the bible often symbolizes a time of new beginnings. We stand at the threshold of a new year. We need to circumcise our hearts before we can enter the new things God has prepared for us.
As Jesus was carried into the temple, Simeon was moved by the Spirit to go into the temple courts at that precise moment. Simeon had spent time with the Lord and was sensitive to His voice and His timing. Sensitivity to God’s timing and being obedient when moved by the Spirit is critical in the coming year. Anna too, recognized her Savior because she had spent time in the Lord’s presence. She too came up to Jesus at the exact moment when Simeon declared who Jesus was and prophesied about His future. Anna told all who were looking for a Redeemer about Him.
Both of these saints are examples to us of how their intimacy with God prepared them to recognize God’s promise fulfilled then it came. No one else in that temple saw the baby as the Redeemer He was until they announced it. No one else could see His future but the ones who had sat at God’s feet. This is the key to seeing what the Holy Spirit has prepared for us and receiving the ability to see Jesus for who He is when we encounter ‘the least of these’ (Matt. 25). “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless He is born again” (John 3:3). Neither can we see without His rulership in our hearts.
As we quiet ourselves before the Lord, let us ask the following questions and allow the Holy Spirit to quicken the answers to our hearts. They are not meant to condemn but rather to guide us through a process of releasing to Him that are things that are hindering us.
What are the things in my life God wants to cut away so I can enter into a deeper intimacy with Him?
Are there areas in my life where I have resisted His control?
How have I conformed to the culture around me instead of being transformed into His likeness?
Have I been guilty of living in luxury, selfishly wasting the resources He has given me on my own desires?
Where have I been self indulgent and/or self absorbed?
Have I been guilty of hoarding out of fear or self preservation instead of entrusting myself wholly to Him?
Have I ignored the cries of the harvesters who labor in the Lord’s work or have I been faithful to supply their needs?
What sacrifices is our Lord asking me to make?
What new beginning is right around the corner waiting for me if I take the steps He is asking?
Is there ruin around me that Lord would have me begin to sow love into and declare restoration over in the power of the Holy Spirit? (Isaiah 58:8 and 61)?
Are there breaches in the protective walls of prayer where I should be standing in the gap?
Who are the ‘living stones’ around me God would want added to His temple?
Prayer: Thank you Father that you have given us a firm place in your sanctuary. Thank you that you give light to our eyes and relief from our bondage to the things of this world. Thank you that you do not abandon us. Thank you for the kindness you show us. Thank you for the new life you have provided that we may share in your salvation; participate in repairing the ruins and rebuilding your living temple within our hearts. Lord, my Sanctifier, reveal to me my sin, cleanse me of all unrighteousness and fill me afresh with Your Spirit. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right Spirit within me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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